Get On The Waitlist.

Master The Hustle (MTH) is an 8-Week Masterclass designed to help you turn your passion into a paycheck and your experience into extra income.

Brand Your Ideas.

Monetize Your Expertise.

Cash in On Your Purpose.

What To Expect:

*A small group of learners to keep the coaching experience more intimate and personal

*No-fluff, actionable content with step by step guides and worksheets

*Invite to a private online community of your peers and other Master The Hustle alumni

*Kickoff party to get acquainted before we get down to business!

*LIVE Weekly training and accountability calls to tear down roadblocks and keep you moving forward

Includes a 1:1 coaching call with Felicia where all the attention is on YOU and your ideas.

Real people, overcoming Real problems and finding Real solutions

When You Realize You're Actually Living What You've Been Dreaming Of...

For real, this is how I felt in June 2020 when I realized I was actually doing "IT'!

I had actually quit my nursing job 2 months prior, had sold a record number of Doorbags for Mother's Day and had just enrolled 10 people into my first beta group coaching program!

I was actually earning money completely on my own without a job for the first time in my life!

Friend, when I tell you it's about THIS feeling more than me.


That's exactly what they did!


Christina Holland, RN

Travel Nurse

Working with Felicia in The Master The Hustle Program made me realize everything I needed to move forward, I already had in me!

Keonna Tolbert- Tyler, LPN

Cannibus Nurse

Enfynite Enterprises, LLC

I am MOTIVATED and on track for my target business goals! Felicia is an awesome coach! She consistently drives you to search within and pull out the things YOU perceive as stoppers and then develop the plan to overcome those. I needed to work on "stepping out" of this introverted lifestyle to know its ok to share my business and grow. I have began my steps to developing and launching 3 ideas that I had not even thought of as profitable. She taught me how to plan and run my business as a business and not a hobby.

India Neal

Fashion And Lifestyle Expert

When I came to JustBeingFelicia I was overwhelmed and confused. I was to my breaking point and ready for change.I had issues deciding which way to go and which path to take. I needed reassurance and an expert to help me put all the puzzle pieces together. I needed Clarity! Im a true creative so my mind is always on 1000. She helped me organize and prioritize my thoughts and ideas. I can do them all but not all at once.

Who This Program is For:

✅Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? It's for you.

✅Have you been working for years, and realize you're no where near prepared for retirement? It's for you.

✅Are you a healthcare worker who wants out NOW? It's for you.

✅Do you get paid on Friday, but you're broke on Monday? It's for you.

✅Have a business idea, but can't seem to generate any real income from it? It's for you.

✅Are you tired of having to work HARD for EVERY dime you make? It's for you.

Or maybe you've tried to sell a product in an MLM program before...but that didn't work.

Perhaps you tried changing jobs...but, that didn't work.

Or maybe you've been hustlin' in your business for so long, but need to learn how to create passive income also.

✅Or lastly: You dont know WHAT to do, but you know what you're currently doing ain't working! It's for you!

Hey, Friend! I'm Felicia.

After being on my job for 28 years, in April of 2020 I resigned from my role as a perioperative nurse. Having created multiple streams of income through various businesses, I decided to put all of my time and energy into working for myself. Although anyone can benefit from my coaching, I find my greatest passion in helping other healthcare professionals transition into entrepreneurship and freelance work as a life redesign strategy.

Check out the curriculum below so you have an idea of what I plan to teach you and then click the link so you can finally stop sleeping on your potential.

Let's master this thang!


Snippets From The Curriculum

You'll learn to build out smart, well-thought-out products and/or services that attract your ideal customer.

Step-by step, I will show you how to transform your passion into a sellable brand, your ideas into multiple income streams and your hustle into less of a hassle.

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Prework: Mindset is Everything, Friend.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Let's Get Some Clarity!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1A: Clarity of Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1B: Clarity In Your Message
Available in days
days after you enroll
  You Have to See it First! Why I Love Vision Boards
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: You Are The Brand
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Building A Fundable Business
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: DIY Trademarking
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Websites and Why You Need One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Income Stream #1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Income Stream #2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: Time to Market! Market! Market!
Available in days
days after you enroll



But, I'll let them tell you...

Ashara Inyana

Biochemical Nourishment Specialist

Rebel House

When I came to Felicia, I was struggling to find ways to get engagement, keep attention on my content, and increase sales. I struggled with ways to gain clients and get more attention on my social media content. Felicia gave me a strategy to go after a specific customer base, decide on specific products to promote to these customers and creative ways to do so. I feel better prepared and more capable. Now I am getting more engagement with targeted posts, and I have obtained new clients! Felicia will help you to bring your business ideas to life in an organized way, and help you make your business make more money.

Leia Osbourne, RN

Travel Nurse Expert

Leia O' On The Go!

(She's always on the go and can't sit down long enough to write me a testimony!😂)

Billie Hale-Thomas, LPN

BillsGirl ™️

When I came to JBF I was looking for a way out of the mundane rat race.Trying to figure out what type of business I could have and really be proud of. JBF helped me to focus in on whom and what I already loved and showed me how to turn it into a viable product. Something I appreciated the most while working with her was how she helps you reflect on the inner-most side of you to discover your substance. I’ve become much clearer on my business idea and have begun building out a product line. I have a great deal of work ahead of me. But, I feel renewed. JBF genuinely wants to see you WIN!

Here's What We'll Work On Together : (Don't get nervous. You can do this! I got you!)

1) Developing A Business Mindset- I will help you reshape the way you think about earning money; reassess the true value of your education; reconsider the marketability of your natural talents; get comfortable with being paid a price truly worth your skillset; You’ll finish my program thinking more independently and understanding the need to always act like a business.

2) Vision Clarity- We will hone in on your individual passions to help clearly define the driving force behind your ideas, your dreams and your life goals. We’ll take an intense introspective approach to assure your vision aligns with your purpose so you can recreate the life you were meant to live and the life you deserve.

3) Creative Business Strategy & Direction- We will veer off the beaten path and work together to find creative and imaginative ways to uncover your most pertinent business and brand needs while staying true to your vision and personal life goals.

4) Business Start Up- Learn how to establish a business entity the smart way from the beginning by performing market research, reducing liability risks during formation, avoiding brand confusion, and determining when and how to protect your intellectual property via trademarking.

5) Audience Identification-We will clearly define your customer avatar in order to create a brand based on their needs so you can market to the right audience every time.

6) Branding- I'll help you create a brand that compliments who you are, what you do and matches who your customer is and what they need so you can stand out and attract more customers.

7) Marketing- We will give your social media accounts a facelift, and learn how to use the apps and websites that improve your chances of converting “friends” into paying customers.

8) Monetize Your Expertise-Learn how to turn the thing you know and do best into income!

9) Building Multiple Streams of Income- Learn how to maximize your earning potential by expanding your brand into multiple income generating categories even while still working a job. You will finish my program with the framework to create 2 additional streams of income.